Importing UniVRM into Unity

Importing UniVRM into Unity Video Tutorial

If you haven't already, UniVRM will need to be installed in Unity so we can use that to create the VRM. If you have already installed it, you can skip this page.

  • Download the UniVRM package here from the link that has .unitypackage at the end. Make sure to get the latest version however.

Make sure to get the UniVRM unitypackage and not the VRM unitypackage as these are different assets.

  • Open a new Unity Project. Note this does not require the Mona template as we a creating the VRM only.

  • Import the UniVRM asset using Assets / Import Package / Custom Package...

  • Make sure to set the project to Linear Space (if the default is Gamma) on the window that comes up

  • Once your package has been imported, you should have two new menus at the top : VRM0 and UniGLTF.

Last updated