QA Process

This page will include all you need to know to pass QA...

In order to pass QA you will need to make sure of the following. It's easier than it looks! Most of these are there by default in the template unless you modify names or files manually.

The following is what the QA team look for in each space.

Preview Image

  • At least 1920x1080

  • Less than 5Mb

  • Does not have the Avatar, Mona/Unity UI, or desktop elements in it

  • Accurately represents the Space


  • At least 1920x1080

  • Less than 20Mb

  • Does not have the Avatar, Mona/Unity UI, or desktop elements in it

  • Accurately represents the Space

Playable/Mintable Files

  • Playable Files are less than 250Mb

  • Mintable files are less than 2Gb

  • Playable and Mintable files should not have any differences in the space

  • There are no objects in Space/Portals/Artifacts root scene All objects should be the child of the Space/Portals/Artifacts gameobjects

  • Root Space/Portals/Artifacts Gameobjects are present

  • Space Spawnpoint is present and not red (eg. not in another collider and above a collider to land on) and in a logical location

  • There are no custom scripts on assets in the Space

  • Normal Maps are set as Normal Map type in settings

  • There are no missing assets in the Space (such as missing Prefab issues)

  • All shaders look correct (no missing/pink shaders in mintable files)

Portals ( Portals)

  • Have the correct hierarchy / tags applied

  • Are in a logical location (eg. not inside another object)

  • The Portal Spawnpoint is present and not red (eg. not in another collider and above a collider to land on) and in a logical location

  • Has a box collider on the Portal Tagged gameobject

  • The Portal tagged gameobject's collider is aligned in position and size with the portal assets

  • There are no colliders in front of the Portal tagged object's collider

  • Do not have multiple Portals in one PortalPrefab

  • Does not have the Template guide texture on it

Artifacts ( Artifacts )

  • Are not the Default Template artifacts or an Empty Artifact

  • Have the correct hierarchy and tags applied

  • The Artifacts Spawnpoint is present and placed correctly (eg. not under the floor, in another object etc) and in a logical location

  • Have a box collider (mesh collider works but is not recommended)

  • The Artifact tagged object collider is aligned in position and size with the Artifact assets

  • There are no colliders (Space or otherwise) in front of the Artifact tagged object's collider

  • Do not have multiple Artifacts in one ArtifactPrefab

Canvases ( Canvases )

  • Has the correct hierarchy and tags applied

  • The Canvas Spawnpoint is present and placed correctly (eg. not under the floor, in another object etc) and in a logical location

  • Must have a mesh collider (other colliders do not work on Canvases)

  • There are no colliders (Space or otherwise) in front of the Canvas tagged object's collider

  • Do not have multiple Artifacts in one ArtifactPrefab

  • Do not have other textures applied in the Material (such as emissive etc)

  • Do not use a custom material

Testing the Mintable File

It is recommended to test the mintable file yourself before submitting for QA. Doing the following will show if there are any broken shaders or assets, and basically display any possible issues that we will need to get back to you on.

If you are using any 3rd party assets it is strongly recommended to do this to make sure that the assets are compatible with the mintable package process.

  1. Open a new template project

  2. Go to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package and import the Mintable package you created from your Space. This can be found in the Exports folder (similar to the Playable files)

  3. Load Space Scenes, if you haven't already

Common issues that might come up include :

  • Errors in the console. Usually you cannot build the playable files if there is an error in the console, therefore these need to be fixed. Common reasons for this are objects (usually from 3rd party assets) have scripts on them, which are not supported in Mona anyway.

  • Broken Shaders. Some of your assets may be the dreaded pink that happens when shaders break due to them needing extensions to the shader. These are currently not compatible with Mona and should be replaced with the Standard shader (or other shaders known to work after the mintable process.

  • Bakery errors. If you are using Bakery then it will throw some errors in the console. This can be fixed, but this would require the Owner of the space purchasing Bakery, and having to rebake the scene manually with the settings that were originally used. We are currently looking into ways around this, but for now it may be better to avoid Bakery for now.

Last updated